Finding internal candidates

To be effective promotion from within requires using job position, personnel records and skills banks. Job posting means publicizing the open job to employees (often by literally posting it on bulletin boards or intranets) and listing the job’s attributes, like qualifications, supervisor, work schedule and pay rate. Some union contracts require job posting to ensure union members get
first choice of new and better positions. Yet job posting can be a good practice even in non union firms, it facilitates the transfer and promotion of qualified inside candidates. (However firms often don’t post supervisory jobs; management often prefers to select supervisory candidates based on things like supervisor’s recommendations and appraisals and testing results).

Personnel record share also important. An examination of personnel records (including application forms) may reveal employees who are working in jobs below their educational or skill levels. It may reveal persons who have potential for further training or who already have the right background for the open job: Computerized records systems (like those discussed above) can help ensure you consider qualified inside candidates for the opening. Some firms also develop “skill banks” that lists current employees with specific skills. For example, if you need an aero scope engineer in unit A and the skill bank show as person with those skills in unit B, that person may be approached about transferring.

Hiring employees- the second time around
Until recently, many managers consider it unwise to hire former employees, such as those who’d left voluntarily for better jobs. Quitting was often seen as a form of betrayal. Managers often assumed that those they’d dismissed might exhibit disloyalty or a bad attitude if hired back.

Today- thanks partly to high turnover in some high-tech occupations rehiring former employees is back in style. Rehiring back employees has its pros and cons. On the plus side, former employees are known quantities (more or less) and are already familiar with the company’s culture, style and ways of doing things. On the other hand employees who left for greener pastures back into better
positions may signal your current employees that the best way to get ahead is to leave the firm. In any event, there are several ways to reduce the chance of adverse reactions. For example, once rehired employees have been back on the job for a certain period, credit them with the benefits such as vacation time and thereby on morale. In addition, inquire (before rehiring them) about what they did during the layoff and how they feel about returning to the firm; you don’t want someone coming back who feels they’ve been mistreated,” said one manager.

Succession planning
Forecasting the availability of inside executive candidates is particularly important in succession planning- “the process of ensuring a suitable supply of successors for current and future senior or key jobs”, arising from business strategy so that careers of individuals can be planned and managed to optimize the organizations needs and the individual’s aspirations. To fill its most important executive positions. Succession planning often involves a complicated series of steps.
Succession planning typically includes activities like these:

  1. Determining the projected need for managers and professionals by company level, function and skill
  2. Auditing current executive talent to project the likely future supply from internal sources
  3. Planning individual career paths based on objective estimates of future needs and assessments of potential
  4. Career counseling in the context of the future needs of the firm, as well as those of the individual
  5. Accelerated promotions, with development targeted against the future need sof the business
  6. Performance related training and development to prepare individuals for future roles as well as currents responsibilities
  7. Planned strategic recruitment to fill short-term needs and to provide people to meet future needs.
  8. Actually filling the positions- via recruiters, promotion from within and so on.

Outside sources of candidates
Firms can’t get all the employees they need from their current staff, and sometimes they just don’t want to. We will look at the sources firms use to find outside candidates next

I .Advertising
Everyone is familiar with employment ads and most of us have probably responded to one or more. To use help wanted ads successfully, employers have to address two issues; the advertising media and the ad’s construction
2. The media
The selection of the best medium- be it the local paper, TV or the internet- depends on the positions for which you’re recruiting. For example the local newspaper is usually the best source for blue-collar help, clerical employees and lower level administrative employees. On the other hand, if you are recruiting for blue-collar workers with special skills you would probably want to advertise in the heart of the industry. The point is to target your ads where they’ll do the most good. Most employers are also tapping the internet. For specialized employees you can advertise in trade and professional journals.
3. Advertisements in professional publications like journals
4. Use of professional recruitment agencies e.g. manpower, Hawkins etc
5. Referrals and walk-ins/ word of mouth
6. Computerized employee databases

Constructing the ad
Construction of the ad is important. Experienced advertisers use a four point guide called AIDA(attention, interest, desire, action) to construct ads. You must of course, attract attention to the ad or readers may just miss or ignore it. Develop interest in the job. You can create interest by the nature of the job itself, with lines such as “you’ll thrive on challenging work” you can also use other aspects of the job, such as its location to create interest.

Create desire by spotting the job’s interest factors with words such as travel or challenge Keep your target audience in mind
Finally make sure the prompts action with a at statement like “call today” or “write today for more information”

Application forms
The filled application form provides information on education,

  1. You can make judgments on substantive matters such as level of education experience
  2. Draw conclusions about the applicants previous progress and growth especially for management candidates
  3. Draw tentative conclusions regarding the applicant’s stability based on previous work records.
  4. Use the data in the application to predict which candidate will succeed on the job and which will not

Using application forms to predict job performance
Some organizations use application forms to predict which candidate will be much useful in much the same way that might use test for screening. They do this by conducting statistical studies to find relationship between

  • Responses on the application form
  • Measure s of success on the job
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