Meaning of project evaluation

Refers to the process of identifying or finding out the worthiness of the project during implementation and after. Its also judging the achieved results i.e. the effectiveness and the management of the project  should be concerned with the end results  and know in advance whether the project will succeed or fail. They should determine the procedure for evaluation and pass it down to the subordinate.

Importance of evaluation

1)It helps to inform the members, the board and management the success or failing of the project.

2) It helps  the members and  implementers to where they  have gone wrong

3) It enables the members and management to re-design the project and make  some modification

4) Helps them to know the directions the project is taking  even before completion

Reasons of evaluation

  • Effectiveness

Its done to reveal effectiveness of the project in the community i.e. if the activities are in line with the objectives.

Results should show efficiency and promise other methods of solving other problems

  • Impact

Evaluation should show the impact cost  by the project whether positive or negative.

Types of evaluation

1. Impact evaluation

Is done  to find   out the to which  project activities  have affected  the area. Results can be  positive or negative need  with end results and mostly  done at the end  of an activity  or project  period.

2. Remedial / formative evaluation.

Evaluation conducted from time to time  as the project  continues . it is mostly  occurs  during  monitoring  of activities  at the  implementation  stage. It is done to help in modification.

3. Terminal evaluation

Evaluation carried out at the end of project operation period. It cover all the activities of the project from beginning to end. Evaluation of this structure is always required by donors and members of the project.

Forms / ways of evaluation .

  1. project appraisal.

This involves appraising  the planned  activities  of the project . in this system  you take each activity and analyze it then compare the results to find out whether they are according to  plans. In this case you have to cover  on each. Result  then make overall .

  1. Baseline study.

One has to refer to the result  . the baseline  data  during  survey you   look at the problem  and the one effective  it has   on the communities  then compare  the effect  that the project  has brought  into the community  an  it was  before then write  your                             .

  1. monitoring.

This system of evaluation  is continuous  step by step  ways  of the progress of  the project. It is done  in order to identify  whether  the project  is using the resources  properly  and at the right time.

  1. periodic review.

This involves  looking  at the  program and activities  from time to time  in to check whether  you are on the   addition recurrent cost implied  by this activity.

implementation  organization  continues  with the project  activity  and sustain  the benefit  beyond the expiry   of the external funds.

. are here any political  obstacles  to the adoption  and successful  implementation  of the  programme or the project?

N.B output- are those concrete  and tangible  products   that are needed  to achieve  the objectives  of the project  and that  happen  as a result of specific objectives   of the project  and that  happen  as a result  of specific objectives  e.g  well trained  nurses  or traditional birth attendant  (T.B.A) etc.

Method – these are approach’s  to be used  technique  e.g workshops, seminars  , training  etc.

Assumption- one assumes that if this is done  , a  given achievement will be obtained they are also the expectations.

  1. implementation plan.

It includes resource  in  books, work plan , organization.

It explains the details  of a programme  should specify all the resource  inputs  in term  of manpower , how many  members  of staff  etc  facilities  needed , equipment,  and operating  cost  which includes  what organization has well as the people  the programme/ project.

Examples of a work plan.

Health working  programme  and specific health information  system . this outlines  targets , activities  and schedules or timing.

Target – it indicates what would  be the direct result or out put  of an activity . be sure that each result  or output   can be related  to the objectives   stated  in the goals  and objectives   section.

Critical assumption.

They state essential   conditions  that need  to be present for an activity  to take  and the target be achieved  e.g a printer, computer, photocopies , trained staff edit, audio radio, tapes etc.

Indicator  of achievement-describe  the concrete  evidence  or source  of information  required  to demonstrate  that the activity  that has been  completed and it indicate  the extend  the target  has been  achieved.

Indicators- show whether  you achieve  the objectives  or not e.g if you can fulfill  what you projected at.

Timing- note in this is continuous or time specific e.g April to may  3 days, two weeks etc. be specific on timing.

A work plan  involves  all activities . this depend on the type of project.

Questions to ask one self:

  • What resource are required  for  the project to function ?
  • Which of this are already  in place and can be  put  to use?
  • What are the activities to be carried  out?
  • What are the intended result of this activity  ? (target / objective)
  • What are the condition that must  be present  for the activity  to be undertaken? Critical  assumption  in the table.
  • How can implementation of activities and achievement of target  be verified ?( indicators  of achievement also look at the organization) .
  • Who is to do what ? go to the field.


  1. Feed back

This is necessary  for leaning  from experiences. Finding and interpretation  must be communicated  to decision  makers in other levels  to and  improving  the situation. It is  also important  in the  community, their representation , leaders  and higher level  of administration.

N.B information  is needed  for evaluation  purpose  as well  as control purpose  monitoring  during implementation aid in collection  , the right kind of information  when and where it is needed.

Community programme design and evaluation.

It deals  with method and design/ mode  of designing  and conducting a community programme or project.

They are basically aimed at improving of life of children  and the entire  family e.g  family life education  programme.

Categories of project.

  1. Water project-[I cross](international community for the relief of starvation suffering)

In 1981, which was involved  as a non  profitable  programme  and initiating present programme.

  • Small home water development in dry areas.
  • Grassroots income generating activities  especially  among the nomads.
  • Funding district supervisors e.g family plan programme.
  • Solar disinfection of contaminated
  • Child survival and monitoring  in loc…..
  • Training traditional birth attendance
  • Aids education  among the high risk  groups  g the singles, youth etc.
  • Adults education among adults
  • Community based health care , medical  projects

Mechanism used.

  1. famine relief and supplementary
  2. Mobile  medical units.
  3. Emergency
  4. Project among old people


2.NCCK(national council of churches  of Kenya) programme include

 CERP- Christian education  training programme.

The target  groups  were the clergy  , lay leaders  , the youth  and missionaries.

community improvement  programme   and small business enterprise.

nutrition and family education

famine  relief project

Soil conservation project and communicated to all concerned for immediate action.


Functions of management in evaluation.

  1. Selecting indicators of achievement or effects for decision making.
  2. Assessment . they will be looking at the factors  that led to success, obstacles  and limitations that prevented success  but  where  unable to overcome  the obstacles. assessment tries to explain  evaluation  findings  g –reveal in efficiency, misuse  of resource, cause  of failure etc.
  3. Management audit –looks at the   efficient of the management  itself  e.  self evaluation of the management truck or not. This is done  through checking  records ,  grant charts and  project evaluation and review  technique ( pert).

General approach of evaluation.

  1. Measurement of observed
  2. Comparison with previously stated  norms standard or intended
  3. Judgment of the extend to which  certain  value are satisfied.
  4. Decision

Steps in evaluation.

  1. Decide what  is to be  evaluated  and select  indicators  of achievement  in direct  how  a activity  or programme  will be evaluated  and  evidence  of satisfactory  achievement ( through  objectives) this must  be specified  in detail  during  or  by the end  of the planned  e. inform  necessary  to evaluate  achievement  . baseline   also available  for evaluation.
  2. Collect the necessary information . information needed to monitor  and evaluate  progress should be made  available  continuously . it must  be reported  and recorded  in good  time  g   next, monthly etc  and someone  must be made responsible  for collecting  and processing  information.
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