Meaning of evaluation

  • It refers to assessment appraisal, examination and judgement.
  • It is a process which asses for to determine and systematically and objecting as possible that effectiveness, efficiency an impact of the activity. Therefore to evaluate, to drive, productive efficiency to meet specific objective.
  • During the policy implementation process at the end of the implementation evaluation take place, evaluation is an important process without which policy implementer may not know if they are assisting the target group to solve the problem that also set for or not

Importance of evaluation

  • It creates a sense of confidence in donors especially when evaluation results are positive
  • To be able to determine the effectiveness of policy that is did the policy achieved and objectives or purpose.
  • To be able to determine the efficiency of a policy that is determined whether the policy was caused effective in terms of bringing about more advantages or benefits than disadvantages
  • It leads to creation of good relation between implementing agencies and the members of the public
  • It helps in determining the factor that lead to either success or failure of a given program


Evaluation Technique

Cost effective analysis

Cost refers to: the price, the value, the amount e.t.c. To be effective is to be competent, Qualifies able e.t.c,To analyze is to get a breakdown a subdivision or a separation  generally,cost effectiveness is method of evaluation whereby  we draw a graph or a table and compare the cost value of our activity and the benefit or effectiveness of that activity.

There are two types of evaluation

  1. Ongoing evaluation / process evaluation
  2. Product evaluation / end evaluation


1. Ongoing evaluation

This involves assessing social policies during the process of implementation

2. Product  evaluation

This technique carried out at the end of the programme


Other technique styles

1. Project profile – this is the outline or the model of the project from the beginning to the end to evaluate each stage i.e. felting per requirement of the model

2. Stamping evaluation – those committee appointed by management by whom they meet frequently at regular interval the members and specialists in their work. They identify the problem which require urgent attention they look at alternative solution and suggest the way forward to manage

Formal or informal periodical report

Informal report are casual, unofficial or mostly not written formal and submitted at specific period of time are highly applied upon for purpose of evaluation

Post benefit analysis

It refers to the price value or amount of resources incur in the implementation of a policy. If the cost is more that the benefit it is not working as to implement such policies

System analysis

This involves checking the level of community participation in the process of implementing agencies must work in collaboration with the community members



There are several ways of determining the effectiveness of policy. This can be done by looking the following factors;

 1. Achievement of setting goals or objectives

This tries to find out if the goals that were set to be achieved have been achieved. If yes we sat the policy was effective and if no it was not effective.

 2. Participation of community members and sustainace of programmes

We try to find out if the target group participated in the programme and if the project can be left beyond who initiated in that it can survive on it. Own and if yes that project was effective

3. Clientele satisfaction

This are customer user programme we try to find out if their need were met through our programme, if yes the process was effective and vise versa

 4. By checking extend to which the problem is solved

We try to find out how far the difficulty or problem was tended to it or sorted out in that extend it shows that programme was effective.

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