Dormant Company


Article 346 and 347 give this definition, a company shall be a dormant company for any period during which no significant accounting transaction occurs in relation to the company. Where a company has:

  • been dormant from the time of its formation;
  • has been dormant since the end of its previous accounting period; and is not required to prepare accounts for that period, by a special resolution passed at a meeting of shareholders, such company declare itself a dormant company.

A company shall not declare itself to be a dormant company where it is a company formed for the business of banking or insurance.

The company shall, within fifteen (15) days of the passing of the special resolution declaring itself to be a dormant company gives notice to the Registrar General of that resolution (art. 349).

Where a company which has declared itself to be a dormant company ceases to be dormant, a notice thereto shall be given to the Registrar General by that company (art.350).

It is worth mentioning exemption for dormant companies as envisaged by article 351 saying that any company, which is registered as being a dormant company, shall be exempted from the requirement of having its accounts audited and from the payment of any prescribed fee as is relevant to its situation.

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