Different categories in retail

Consider these four major consumer-based category roles:

• Destination category: this is a category with which the retailer wants to profile himself towards his target consumers and differentiate himself from competition. It aims to place a retailer as primary category provider and helps define the retailer as the store of choice by delivering consistent, superior target customer value. ―I go to this store because they offer the best selection of … . This store offers better value in this category.‖
• Routine category: category that aims to provide consistent and competitive value for the consumer‘s everyday needs and place the retailer as one of the preferred category providers. It helps develop the retailer as the store of choice by delivering frequent,
competitive target consumer value. ―I buy these products all the time for my daily needs so I look for the store that offers me the greatest value and consistent shopping
• Seasonal category: this category refers to products which are not purchased on a regular basis but occasionally. Seasonal categories play a secondary role in delivering profit but can be used by a retailer to differentiate himself from competition during a certain period
of the year.
• Convenience category: a convenience category completes the retailer’s assortment of products that are not usually found on a routine shopping list. This category aims to guarantee a one-stop-shopping and plays an important role in margin enhancement

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