Refers to a process of transmitting data signals form one point through the network.
Basic Communication Model
A Communication model is used to exchange data between two parties. For example: communication between a computer, server and telephone (through modem).

i. Communication Model: Source
Data to be transmitted is generated by this device, example: telephones, personal computers etc.
ii. Communication Model: Transmitter
The data generated by the source system is not directly transmitted in the form its generated. The transmitter transforms and encodes the data in such a form to produce electromagnetic waves or signals.
iii. Communication Model: Transmission System
A transmission system can be a single transmission line or a complex network connecting source and destination.
iv. Communication Model: Receiver
Receiver accepts the signal from the transmission system and converts it into a form which is easily managed by the destination device.
v. Communication Model: Destination
Destination receives the incoming data from the receiver.
Types Data Communication
The exchange of data between two devices through a transmission medium is called Data Communication. The data is exchanged in the form of 0’s and 1’s. The transmission medium used is wire cable. For data communication to occur, the communication device must be a part of a communication system. Data Communication has two types – Local and Remote which are discussed below:

i. Data Communication: Local
Local communication takes place when the communicating devices are in the same geographical area, same building, or face-to-face etc.
ii. Data Communication: Remote
Remote communication takes place over a distance i.e. the devices are farther. The effectiveness of a data communication can be measured through the following features:
a. Delivery: Delivery should be done to the correct destination.
b. Timeliness: Delivery should be on time.
c. Accuracy: Data delivered should be accurate.
Components of Data Communication
i. Message: It is the information to be delivered.
ii. Sender: Sender is the person who is sending the message.
iii. Receiver: Receiver is the person to whom the message is being sent to.
iv. Medium: It is the medium through which the message is sent. For example: A Modem.
v. Protocol: These are some set of rules which govern data communication.

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