Communications 2016 July Knec Past Paper



SECITON A (32 marks)
Answer all the questions in this section.
I, State three challenges a sender may encounter when encoding a message. (3 marks)
2 List three guidelines to follow when designing a Questionnaire for report writing. (3 marks)
3. State four possible rcwons why an inter vie wee may fail to gel a job despite having the right academic qualifications. (4 marks)
4. Outline Tour roles that the chair of a meeting must play to ensure the success of the meeting. (4 murks)
5. Stare three purposes of writing reports in on organization. (3 marks)
6. List three advantages of using visual aids in communication. (3 marks)
7. State three bamcTs to effective oral communication. (3 marks)
S. Stale three ways in which technology is used io transmit information m organizations
9. Identify three instances when mi employee may need to communicate with the manager, (3 marks)
10. Stale three ways of ensuring ihnt employees read notices. (3 marks)
SECTION B (68 marks)
I.ebo Manufacturers recently advertised the post of Office Assists ni requiring interested candidates to send their curriculum vitae (CV). Assume you meet the requirements and writeyowC V, (Jmarks)
13. Your company started canteen services far the workers a month ago. In the last one week, however, several workers have been complaining of getting stomach upsets after taking meals from Lhe canteen. As the Welfare Officer, you have been asked to investigate the matter and write a report giving your recommendations. Assume you have completed the investigations and write die report. (16 marks)
14. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
A high number of matatu crews still use cash despite the expiry of the I December 2014 deadline for public transport to use cashless methods m payment of fane. Apparently, the mamtu owners are unmoved by the stipulated Ksh. 100,000 fine against those who fail to uhangy to the new system,
Opinion is still divided among the public on rhe new method of payment with some embracing while others seem reluctant to adopt it. The world’s financial markets, however, are going cashless and Kenya has no choice hut to follow suit. Experts say that digital payments will bring a lot of benefits Since Kenya leads in the use of mobile money services m the region, going cashless in
all aspects of the economy is inevitable,
The CEO and founder of Tangazctelu Limited, a firm that automates business processes and provides mobile financial products, says that the journey to digital payments has just started. “Aa much as cash has been the universal language, Kenyans net:J to be prepared to adopt a cashless system that is bench etui la the consumers, corporates and the government who are basically the key drivers of die economy. Wc tire very innovative, and as long as we take gradual steps, the move to a cashless system is possible/ 1, he said.
A research conducted by Financial See lor Deepening (FSD) Kenya in mid-2012 showed Lhai electronic payments cost between 50 and 65 per cent less than paper payments This would translate to over Ksh. 91) billion annually in savings for Kenya The figure is arrived al using the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics ‘Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures for 201 .i revised in September 2014 from Ksh. 3.8 trillion to Ksh 4 76 trillion. The figures underline lhe fact that cash payments are expensive Even withdrawing cash in banks has a cost involved. The FSD survey showed that on average, people spend between 20 and 811 minutes to cany out banking services involving cash in Kenya’s urban ureas. Rural folks spend even more Unveiling to cany out banking transactions

Proponents of a cashless system point out various problems encountered when dealing w ith cash. First and foremost, carrying cash is dangerous as one is vulnerable to the li. People hand ling cash ar? left counting mure losses than those with cards or mobile money in case of & robbery, In addition, transporting large sums of money is always a tense affair despite (he armed escort. It is also costly because the transporters have to lie paid. The money further requires to be insured against risks such as robberies, Another problem is that cash is susceptible to hre and wn men unlike ft card which, even it” destroyed or lost, the money remains salt sumewherc. Besides, one can fall prey to con irtists who peddle fake currencies. A cash system makes it hard for (he tax man to rurb tax evasion
unlike a cashless system which is easier to trace.
FSD also found out that most Kenyans easily engage in impulse buying when they have cash. F’lectrtinic payments instil some level of discipline because (he act of having to withdraw cash forces one to Lhmk about w hat one needs to buy Further, it is harder for consumers to control and track (heir expenditure when using cash as opposed to dealing with a cashless system.
According to Central Bank estimates as at AugusL 2014. more than 26 million Kenyans have adopted mobile money in purchasing, transfer ami banking. The Communication Authority of
Kenya (CAK) puls the number of mobile subscribers at 31.8 million, 80 per cent of whom use mobile money services. The figure is likely to rise as Equity Bank has rolled out its own Mobile
Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) platform. Under the system, the bank’s cuslutners will use their handsets to transfer cash and buy goods using the money in their accounts. Globally, the financial market has shifted tremendously in the past three decades wuh the use of the cashless system rapidly increasing. People have turned to easier ways of transacting business especially with the introduction of mobile money.
ddhp/edjfoffl- ‘Daily Nation’. iitesday Deeetnbur 9, 2014-
(a) In about 120 words, and according to ihc passage. explain the various problems – ciuxjunicrcd wlrcn dealing with cash. (12 marks!
(b) StfiLe die meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage:
follow suit;
(ii) beneficial,
(Lii) underline^
(tv) arc left counting.
(V) curb;
(VL) shifted.



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