Communications 2012 July Knec Past Paper


SECTION A (32 marks)
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
I. Outline three benefits that may accrue to a supervisor who listens to his subordinates. (3 marls) #
State three reasons that make it necessary for workers to communicate with each other in an organization. (3 marks) •
2 Outline four qualities of a .good questionnaire. (4 marks)

3.Highlight three roles played by members in h meeting.

4. List three types of non-verbal communication

5. Give three advantages of using the fax in an office

6. Highlight four reasons for the increased use of mobile phones in the office

7. Stare three quail lies of a good report

SECTION B (68 marks)
Answer A£J. rfte questions in this section in lhe spaces provided after question 14,
11. Mr. John Ntakso attended and passed an interview for the position of Supervisor tn the Transport Depart me ni of Kwafco Company Limited. Write a letter to Mr. Makao giving him tins information. (16 marks)
12. (a) You are one of the students graduating at Mwanaisha Technical College. You have been asked io give a speech ug the graduation ceremony on “The Benefits of
Being Self-employed ” in about 250 words, write the speech- (12 marks)
(b) FrpTain four factors that could make an interview process unsuccessful. (6 marks)
13, (a) The company you work for will have its operations disrupted due to a go-slow by unionisable employees. Write fl notice lo be placed in the ideal press informing customers about the situation.

The Economic growth rate in Kenya for the year 2011-2012 could range between five and six per cent if no major shocks occur. However, the private sector has predicted that Lhc successful completion of infrastructure and energy projects could sec the economy grow ai seven per cent dun Jig this period, According to the World Bank’s Report on the Economic Prospects for Kenya, (he seven per cent growth projected by the privitfe sector is likely to depend on a number of factors.
To begin with are infrastructure projects that arc likely to bring change in Lhc economy. These include the construction of road and mil systems .information Communication Technology (ICT) and ilic construction of geothermal energy plants, Transport and communication, energy and the cost of fuel are major implements of doing business. The infrastructure projects are an effort to address the three economic impediincnts and their successful completion could be a turning point for the Kenyan economy.
The successful construction of a number of roads is likely to speed tip growth in the agriculture, horticulture and tourism sectors. This may significantly improve (he economic performance from tlie predicted six per cent to seven [ict cent. The completion of a number of rends already under cansinicrion could make the country more attractive to investors and the cost of doing business is
likely to go down, Some of (lie roads under construction include the Namanga-Athi River Road. Mombasa Road. Forest Road and Thika Road. Kenya’s economic growth will also depend on investment in the geothermal energy projects earmarked for completion by 2015.
Another key driver fur change in the country’s ecoiiOniy is the ICT sector, Il has been ihe mam driver of Kenya’s economic growth over lhc last decade. The sector has been growing on average by 20 per cent annunlly and has propelled lhc combined transport and communication sector into the economy’s second largest after agriculture. Over the last three decade^ Kenya has experienced only two short episodes when economic growth exceeded five per cent and was sustained tor at least three consecutive years; 1986 to 1988 and 2004 to 2007. The World Bank
Report on Economic Prospects for Kenya indicates that since 2000, Kenya’s economy grew at an average of four per cent. Without (Cl’, growth in 2010 would have been about three percent which is similar to the population growth rale. This would have meant that the income per capita would have stagnated.
While the public sector investments in infrastructure will help stimulate growth, the timely implementation of the constitution reforms would boost business confidence. Much of wbat is expected to be achieved will depend on how the country implements the constitution and bow the country behaves politically in relation to the 2012 elections. The Kenya Association of
Manufacturers (KAM ) and the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) say that the implementation of the constitution will in essence reduce the country’s polrticul risk, while at the same lime reassuring foreign and domestic investors that Kenya is a safe investment haven, Putting in place

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