CIFA – Financial Mathematics Revision Kit 2021 (Question and Answer)

F. Maths sample 2021



Following our continued effort to provide quality study and revision materials at an affordable price for the private students who study on their own, full time and part time students, we partnered with other team of professionals to make this possible.

This Revision kit book (Question and answers) contains kasneb past examination past papers and our suggested answers as provided by a team of lecturers who are experts in their area of training. The book is intended to help the learner do enough practice on how to handle exam questions and this makes it easy to pass kasneb exams.

Special appreciation and recognition goes to FA Kegicha William Momanyi (MBA Accounting, CPA, CISA and CCP), Johnmark Mwangi (MSc Finance, CPAK, BCom Finance) and FA Bramwel Omogo ( Acturial Science, CIFA, CIIA final level and ICIFA member), CPA Gregory Mailu (Bsc. Economics) CPA Dominic Rasungu and CPA Lawrence Ambunya among others.

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