Creating charge over society’s property
A co-operative society may from time to time, charge the whole or any part of its property, if its by-laws expressly empower it to do so, subject to a special resolution by the general meeting.
Charge to comply with applicable law
A charge created by a co-operative society in accordance with section 49 of this Act shall comply with the provisions of the law applicable to the particular type of charge.
Charges to be registered with the Commissioner
It shall be the duty of every co-operative society to register with the Commissioner, every charge created by it and the particulars thereof:
Provided that registration of a charge may be effected on the application of any person interested therein:
Provided further that where registration is effected on the application of a person other than the co-operative society, such person shall be entitled to recover from the co-operative society the amount of any fees properly paid by
him to the Commissioner for such registration.
If any co-operative society fails to send to the Commissioner for registration the particulars of any charge created by it within a period of thirty days, then unless the registration has been effected by some other person within
that period, every officer of the society shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand shillings for every day during which the default continues.
Register of charges
The Commissioner shall, with respect to each co-operative society, register in such form as may be prescribed by or under this Act, all charges requiring registration and shall enter in the register, with respect to every charge,
the following particulars—
(a) if the charge is a charge created by the society, the date of its creation, and if the charge was a charge existing on property acquired by the society, the date of the acquisition of the property;
(b) the amount secured by the charge;
(c) short particulars of the property charged; and
(d) the persons entitled to the charge.
(2) The Commissioner shall issue a certificate under his hand of the registration of any charge registered under this Act stating the amount secured and the certificates shall be conclusive evidence that the requirements of this Act
as to registration of charges have been complied with.
The register kept in pursuance of this section shall be open for inspection by any interested person on payment of the prescribed fee.

The Commissioner shall keep a chronological index in the prescribed form and containing the prescribed particulars, of the charges entered in the register.
Certificate of satisfaction of charges
The Commissioner may, on evidence being given to his satisfaction that the debt for which any registered charge was given has been paid or satisfied, order that a memorandum of satisfaction be entered on the register, and shall if
required, furnish the co-operative society concerned with a copy thereof.
Receiver to give notice of his appointment
(1) If any person obtains an order for the appointment of receiver or manager of the property of a co-operative society, or if the Commissioner appoints such a receiver or manager under any powers contained in any instruments, he shall, within seven days from the date of the order of the appointment under the said powers, give written notice of the fact to the Commissioner and the Commissioner shall enter the notice in the register of charges.
(2) Where any person appointed receiver or manager of the property of a co-operative society under the powers contained in any instrument ceases to act as such receiver or manager, he shall, on so ceasing, give written notice of the fact to the Commissioner and the Commissioner shall enter the notice in the register of charges.
(3) If any person makes default in complying with the requirements of this section, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand shillings for every day during which the default continues.
Society to keep copy of instruments of charge at registered office
Every co-operative society shall cause a copy of every instrument of a charge which is required by this Act to be registered, to be kept at the registered address of the society.
Society to keep register of particulars of charges
Every co-operative society shall keep, at the registered address of the society, a register of charges in which shall be entered all charges specifically affecting the property of the society and all floating charges on the property or
assets of the society, giving in each case a short description of the property charged, the amount of the charge, and the name of the person entitled thereto.
If any officer of a co-operative society knowingly omits, or permits the omission of, any entry required to be made in any register in pursuance of this section, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding
ten thousand shillings.
 Right of members and creditors to inspect register of charges
The copies of the instruments creating charges which are required by this Act to be registered and the register of charges kept by the co-operative society under section 52 shall be open, during business hours, to inspection by any creditor or member of the society, without fee, subject to such reasonable restrictions as the society, in general meeting, may impose. Provided however, that not more than two hours in each day shall be allowed for inspection, and the register of charges shall also be open to inspection by any other person on payment of the prescribed fee.

Any officer of a co-operative society who refuses to allow inspection of the register of charges or copies of the instruments creating charges in accordance with subsection (1) of this section, or who permits such refusal, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand shillings for every day during which the refusal of permission continues, and the court may order an immediate inspection of such register or copies.

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