CHAPTER SEVEN Office forms


Office forms

Objectives of forms control

  • To introduce forms which are really necessary and ensure clerical work don’t become confusing due to many forms
  • Ensure forms so designed as render best possible use at minimum cost
  • To produce forms by the most appropriate and economical method
  • To supply copies of forms only to those who are to use them
  • To study whether introducing new forms proposed on review of old forms is essential
  • To review all forms periodically so as to determine their utility
  • To evaluate forms design on the basis of the time required to use forms

Essentials of a good office forms

  • The writing surface, the style of print, the paper sequence of information and method of entry should be easy for rapid completion of the form
  • Good appearance and balanced arrangement of information of the form
  • Adequate space should be provided for the expected information
  • Every form should be provided for the expected information
  • Every form should have an appropriate title
  • Should be cost effective
  • It should be easy to reproduce the form
  • The quality of papers and color must be appropriate


Advantages of forms control

  • It economizes time, paper costs etc. by using the correct forms
  • The work is simplified as the only required information is provided
  • It helps to reduce errors
  • Less frustration to workers as they will be knowing what is required
  • It improves the overall efficiency of the office work
  • It helps in faster processing because only the relevant information is obtained

What are common faults in forms

  • Insufficient horizontal space allowed for the expected information
  • Too much printed information such as publicity slogans printed on the form
  • Lack of distinction between forms e.g. pro-forma invoices and invoices ,credit and debit notes
  • Inadequate margins (at least 25mm) should be allowed at the left hand side of the form, for filling purpose and some space on top and the bottom for insertion into a type writer
  • The space for a signature placed too near the bottom edge of the paper
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