Certified Public Accountants (CPA) New syllabus PDF

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Certified Public Accountants (CPA) course
The course imparts knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to, among other competencies:

  • Prepare accounts and financial statements including for complex entities in both the private and public sectors.
  • Use computerised accounting systems
  • Practically apply data analytical tools analyse data and reach conclusions.
  • Undertake audit and assurance services
  • Apply advanced financial management skills to evaluate various financial aspects of a business for decision making
  • Prepare management accounts
  • Apply leadership and management skills in practice to manage teams and achieve results

The course is aimed at persons who wish to qualify and work or practice as professional accountants, auditors, finance managers, tax managers and consultants in related areas in both public and private sectors.
Assessment will be conducted in a variety of ways, including examinations, practical papers, workshops attendance and practical experience.
In addition to the above papers, prior to certification, candidates will be required to

  • Attend workshops on ethics, soft skills and emerging issues organised by Kasneb and ICPAK and earn IPD hours)
  • Obtain 1-year practical experience, or alternatively attend workshops on work based simulation organised by Kasneb and ICPAK.

In order to assist CPA students to obtain the requisite practical experience and internship opportunities, they will be registered as student members of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) under a programme called the Trainee Accountants Practical Experience Programme (TAPEF). Through TAPEF, ICPAK working in consultation with Kasneb will assist students as much as possible to link with professional accountants who will mentor them towards obtaining the necessary practical experience

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