Bank Reconciliation Statement

Bank reconciliation is an important accounting control. It is expected the students will be familiar with the method of preparing Bank Reconciliation Statement, as described in the text book. A copy of the statement duly signed by the accountant of the client after it has been checked, should be kept in record by the auditor along with other working papers, for future reference. The position of cheques and other remittances shown in the statement as outstanding should be ascertained on a reference to the Bank Pass Book. Where it is found that a number of cheques have been deposited in the bank immediately before the close of the year, which subsequently were dishonoured, it should be investigated whether these were fictitious which had been deposited merely to inflate the bank balance or to show parties’ balances outstanding against whom were infact irrecoverable. Generally, it is advisable that the position of all amounts deposited in the bank, which were outstanding for realisation at the close of the year, should be ascertained.

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