Professionalism-this involves training sales people to the selling process the steps to effective selling include;

Prospecting and qualifying-the company will find the leads by examining data sources such as newspaper and directories, organizing trade shows, using telephone and mails qualifying involves contacting the  leads to access their level of interest and financial capacity.

Pre-approach/establishing needs-the sales person needs to learn as much as possible about the prospect company ie their needs, purchasing power, who is involved in purchase decision etc.

Approach-the sales person should know how to greet the buyer, to get the relationship off to a good start.

Presentation and demonstration-the sales person tells the product story using the AIDA formula that is getting attention, holding intrest, getting them to desire and obtaining attention ie Attention, Intrested, Desire and Action.

Overcoming objections-this involves dealing with any resistance towards the product or the could be as a result of preference for established supply sources, reluctance to give up something, pre-determined ideas and pleasant experiences with sales persons this should be overcome by; Maintaining a positive approach, Clarifying objections and Turning objections into a reason for buying.

Closing –the sales person needs to know the right psychological moment  to close the  sale e.g. physical actions e.g. nodding in agreement, positive comments or asking questions.


  • Asking for an order.
  • Indicating what buyer will lose if they don’t order now.
  • Asking the buyer whether they want A or B or helping them make choices on colour or size.

Follow-up and maintenance-This is necessary to ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business(customer comes many times).it includes scheduling a follow up call to ensure proper installation, instructions are followed and servicing of the product.


Negotiating  skills are important in order to reach an agreement on price and other terms of sale a sales person should win the order without hurting the profits of the company.


This involves building a long-term supplier customer relationship in-order to ensure repeat is based on the promise that ,important customers need focused and continuous attention e.g. calling them, visiting them, taking them to dinner or lunch, making useful suggestions about their business equity bank offers calendars, pens success cards etc.


This involves a variety of programs designed to promote a company’s image or its individual product a public is any group or individual who has an actual or potential interest in a company’s ability to achieve its customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, government and financiers.


  1. Press relations-this involves news and information about the organization in the most positive way.
  2. Product publicity-this include sponsoring effort in order to publish specific product.
  3. Corporate communication-this is promoting understanding of the organization through internal and external communication.
  4. Lobbying-this involves dealing with legislators and government officials to promote certain issues within a company or defeat certain laws and regulations.
  5. Counseling-this involves advising management about public issues and about the companys position and includes advising them on action to take in the event of a product failing to meet customer expectations.


  1. Publications-this is published material used to reach and influence the target market e.g. annual reports, articles , company newsletters, audio visual materials etc.
  2. Events-this are special events such as conferences, seminars, outings, anniversaries, sports ,cultural sponsorships that are used to reach the target market.

Speeches-talks before large audiences especially at trade association meetings in-order to build the company’s image.

  1. Public service activities(corporate social responsibility)-this is contributing time and money to good courses in order to build a good public image/public good will e.g. giving funds to children homes, building roads, financial support in education sector e.g. wings to fly programme etc.
  2. News-this involves developing a good story concept and getting the media to accept to feature it.
  3. Identity media-because companies compete for attention a company needs a visual identity that the public immediately recognizes e.g. logos on uniforms, stationery, business cards etc.
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