APS-K Reading List (Recommended books) pdf



1. Kenneth Lysons and Brian Farrington (2012), Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 8th Edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, England

2. Monczka, Handfield, Guinipero and Patterson (2009), Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning: USA

3. David Farmer, Barry Crooker, David Jessop, David Jones (2008),Procurement Principles and Management, 10th Edition, Prentice Hall Financial Times

4. Peter J.H. Baily, David H. Farmer (1986),Purchasing Principles and Management, Pitman

5. Dr. K.C. Jain, Er. Jeet Patidar (2011), Purchasing and Materials Management, 1st Edition, Rajendra Ravindra Printers

6. Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015


1. Kenneth Lysons and Brian Farrington (2012), Purchasing and supply chain Management, 8th Edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, England

2. Monczka, Handfield, Guinipero and Patterson (2009), Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning: USA

3. David Farmer, Barry Crooker, David Jessop, David Jones (2008),Procurement Principles and Management, 10th Edition, Prentice Hall Financial Times


1. Ashiq Hussein, “A text book of general principles of law in Kenya” (2008) East African Publishers.

2. Saleem N. I. “General Principles of Law simplified” (1992) N. A. Saleemi publishers.

3. John Joseph Ogola, “Business Law ” (2013) Focus Publishers; 2nd Edition.

4. Laibuta K. I, “Principles of commercial law” (2014), Law Africa Publishers; 2nd Edition


1. Handfield B. Robert, Monczka M. Robert, Guinipero C. Larry, and Patterson L. James (2013), Sourcing and Supply Chain Management, 5th Edition, Cengage Learning, India.

2. Kenneth Lysons and Brian Farrington (2012), Purchasing and supply chain Management, 8th Edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, England

3. Monczka, Handfield, Guinipero and Patterson (2009), Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning: USA

4. Ron Basu and J. Nevan Wright (2008), Total Supply Chain Management, 1st Edition, Elseiver

5. Sharma Sunil (2010), Supply Chain Management: Concepts, Practices and Implementation,1st Edition, Oxford Unoversity Press, India

6. Scott Colin, Lundgren Henriette, Paul Thompson (2011), Guide to Supply Chain Management, Springer

7. Wisner D. Joel, Leong G. Keong, and Tan Keah-Choon (2009), Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach, 3rd Edition, Cengage Learning India Private Limited


1. Bagby D. Ray and Baylor University (2014). Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. Vol. 38, Wiley Online Library.

2. Porter, M. E. (1985), The Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. NY: Free Press.

3. Robert Hisrich , Michael Peters and Dean Shepherd. (2012) Entrepreneurship. 9th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill

4. Saleemi, Nisar Ahmad. (2009) Entrepreneurship Simplified. Nairobi: Saleemi Publication

5. Scott Shane, (2003). A General Theory of Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar

6. Hartman L. P. Business Ethics : Concepts and Cases, Pearson, 6th Edition.



1. B.Crocker, D.Jessop& A. Morrison, Inbound Logistics Management (2011), Storage & Supply of Materials for the Modern Supply Chain, 7th ed, Pearson,

2. David Jessop and Allex Morrison (1994), Storage and Supply of Materials 6th Edition, prentice Hall Publishing

3. David Lowe and Kieran McGregor, 2003, Study Guide, Storage and Distribution in Supply chains, CIPS,

4. P. Baily, D.Farmer, D.Crocker, D. Jessop, Procurement, Principles and Management, 10th ed,2008, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall

5. J. P. Saxena, Warehouse Management and Inventory Control; Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2009


1. Kenneth Lysons and Brian Farrington (2012), Purchasing and supply chain Management, 8th Edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, England.

2. Monczka, Handfield, Guinipero and Patterson (2009), Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning: USA

3. Collins Scott,Henrriette Lundgren and Paul Thompson,Guide to Supply Chain Management, springer.

4. Morrissey, W.J. and Pittaway, L. (2006), Buyer-supplier relationships in small firms: the use of social factors to manage relationships, International Small Business Journal, London, Vol. 24 No. 3, 1 June, p. 272.


1. Hussein A, (2008) “A text book of general principles of law in Kenya” East African Publishers: Kenya.

2. Saleem N I, (1992) “General principles of law simplified” N. A. Saleemi publishers: Kenya.

3. Ogola J J and Gitau R, (2010) “Business Law” Focus Publishers Ltd.: Kenya.

4. Ogola J J (2005) “Business Law: with an introduction to the Kenyan legal system” Focus Publishers Ltd.: Kenya.

5. Laibuta K I, (2006) “Principles of commercial law”, Law Africa Publishing (K) Ltd.: Kenya.

6. Lysons K and Farrington B, (2012) Purchasing and supply chain Management, 8th Edition, Pearson Education Limited: England.

7. Monczka, Handfield, Guinipero and Patterson, (2009) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning: USA.

8. Kroll, Mistelis and Viscacillas, (2011) The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Beck/Hart: USA.

9. Ferrari F, (2012) Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Applicability and Applications of The 1980 United Nations Sales Convention,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: The Netherlands.


1. T.Lucey (2002) Quantitative methods for business. Addison Wesley

2. C.R Kothari (2000) Quantitative Techniques 3rd Edition. Vikas publishing (pvt) Ltd

3. Robert.J. And Patricia .K. (2007) Elementary Statistics 10TH Edition, Thomson Higher Education

4. Frank Wood and Allan Sangster: Business Accounting vol. 1 and 11

5. Carl E. Warren, James M, Reeve and Philip E. Accounting 21st edition (Thomson south Western united states)

6. Nzomo, N. D. Basic Accounting, U. O. N. Press, Latest Edition


1. Harvard Business Review, (1999) Effective Communication. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

2. Shea, M. (1993) Personal Impact: The art of good communication. Reed, London.

3. Saleemi, Nisar Ahmad. (2003) Business English. Nairobi: Saleemi Publication

4. Kenneth Davis W. (2010) Business Writing and Communication. 2nd Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.

5. Saleemi, Nisar Ahmad. (1997) Business Communication and Report Writing Simplified. Nairobi: Saleemi Publication

6. Hamel Gary, (2007),The future of management, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts

7. Koonz, Harold, (2008). Management. 11th Edition, New York: Prentice Hall

8. Kreitner, R. (2009), Principles of Management, (11th ed.), Cengage, Australia

9. Robbins, Stephen P., De Cenzo, David A., Stuart-Kotze, Robin, Stewart, Eileen B., (2004) Fundamentals of Management, Essential Concepts and Applications, Canadian Fourth Edition, Scarborough Ontario: Prentice- Hall Canada Inc.


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