- Procurement lead time is significantly reduced given that there‘s no need to prepare solicitation documents, or to advertise requirements. And the period for quotations submission is also equally reduced.
- The number of quotations received is limited to the number of bidders quotations were requested from, so the selection process time is also reduced.
- To procuring and/or requesting entities would usually have a pretty good idea of where and from whom the goods, services or works can be procured, so there‘s a higher probability of response to the request for quotations.
Disadvantages of Request for Quotation
- Procuring entity can find itself in irregularities because it decided which suppliers, contractors or service providers to send request for quotations to, and competition is very limited.
- Could be abused as a result of breaking of requirements into smaller sizes in order to apply this method of procurement,
- Could easily lead to requesting quotes from a limited number of firms even if the goods services or works are available from a greater number.
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