Audit of Local Bodies

The external control of municipal expenditure is exercised by the state governments through the appointment of auditors to examine municipal accounts. The municipal corporations of Delhi, Bombay and a few others have powers to appoint their own auditors for regular Read More …

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Financial Administration

It would be imminent on the part of the auditor to understand financial administration of local bodies before embarking upon the audit. Some of the aspects are as under: Budgetary Procedure: This is geared to subserve the twin considerations of Read More …

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Background A municipality can be defined as a unit of local self-government in an urban area. By the term ‘local self-government’ is ordinarily understood the administration of a locality – a village, a town, a city or any other area Read More …

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Reporting Procedures

The effectiveness of an audit depends on reporting results to the proper authority so that appropriate action may be taken to rectify the irregularities or impropriety where possible or to prevent re- occurrence. The right as also the obligation to Read More …

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Audit of Commercial Accounts

Public enterprises are required to maintain commercial accounts and are generally classified under three categories :—  departmental enterprises engaged in commercial and trading operations, which are subject to the same laws, financial and other regulations as other government departments and Read More …

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Audit of Stores and Stocks

Audit of the accounts of stores and stocks has been developed as a part of expenditure audit with reference to the duties and responsibilities entrusted to C&AG. Audit is conducted to ascertain whether the Regulations governing purchase, receipt, and issue, Read More …

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Audit of Receipts

The audit of receipts is neither all pervasive or as old as audit of expenditure but has come to stay in some countries. Such an audit provides for checking; whether all revenues or other debts due to government have been Read More …

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Expenditure Audit

The audit of government expenditure is one of the major components of government audit. The basic standards set for audit of expenditure are to ensure that there is provision funds authorised by competent authority fixing the limits within which expenditure Read More …

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