Limitations and Demerits of Personal Selling

Limitations and Demerits of Personal Selling High Cost: The cost of developing and operating a sales force is high. More money is spent on personal selling than on any other form of promotion. A sales force represents a greater long Read More …

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Promotion refers to communicating with the public in an attempt to influence them toward buying a product. Promotion is also coordination of individual methods of promotions such as advertising, personal selling and sales promotion. Promotion Mix Promotion mix consists of Read More …

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Price is the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or services. Types of cost Let us first look at the types of cost. Types of costs are fixed costs the Read More …

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Types of Personal Selling

Types of Personal Selling There are two kinds of personal selling: Across –the -Counter Selling: In this kind of selling Customers come to the salespeople. It involves retail store selling. It also includes the salespeople at catalogue retailers who take Read More …

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Product Life Cycle

With the change in marketing environment, intense competition, customer’s preferences and tastes, product life also changes. Product also passes through four product phases: 1. Introduction 2. Growth 3. Maturity 4. Decline Introduction: in this stage product is relatively undifferentiated; sales Read More …

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Meaning and Definition of Personal Selling

Meaning and Definition of Personal Selling Personal selling refers to the use of speech and personal conviction to bring about some action on the part of another. Salesperson is a man who actually performs the personal selling. A salesperson in Read More …

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New product development

New product development is a strategy for a firm growth by offering modified or new product to a market segment. The process of new product development has various steps: 1. Idea generation looking for all possible ideas that may help Read More …

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PREPARATION FOR SALES NEGOTIATIONS In addition to the factors outlined in the previous section, a sales negotiator will benefit by paying attention to the following additional factors during preparation.  Assessment of the balance of power In the sales negotiation, seller Read More …

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Product mix and product lines

A product mix (or product assortment) refers to all the product lines and items that a particular firm offers for sale. Say, a manufacturing firm may have a capacity to produce, kitchen appliances, cars, and mobile handsets. These are examples Read More …

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The term marketing mix refers to the tactical elements of the marketing strategy. It is the blending of product, price, promotion and place. Product Product refers to anything that can be offered to a market for attention, use, or consumption Read More …

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