Assets Abroad

Where documents of title relating to assets held abroad are not available for inspection, a certificate should be obtained from the agent or any other party holding the document. Such a certificate must disclose unequivocally that they are free from Read More …

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Trademarks and Copyright

The existence of a trademark is verified by an inspection of the certificate as regards grant of the trademark. Where it has been purchased, the agreement surrendering it in favour of the client should be examined. It must also be Read More …

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Patent Rights

The ownership of a patent is verified by inspection of the certificate issued in respect of grant of the patent. It has been purchased, the agreement surrendering it in favour of the client should be examined. It must also be Read More …

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Investments are assets held by an entity for accretion of wealth by way of interest, royalties, dividends and rentals, for capital appreciation or for other benefits to the investing entity. It constitutes a significant portion of the total assets. An Read More …

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The cost of ships, if purchased outright, should be verified on a reference to the Bill of Sale and, if built to order, from the agreements with the shipbuilders. The ownership of the title should be verified from the certified Read More …

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A schedule of livestock at the close of the year should be obtained and entries in the same should be verified with the Register of Animals if it has been maintained. The entire stock of animals should be revalued on Read More …

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Motor Lorries, Vans, etc.

The cost of these assets should be verified by reference to the invoices of suppliers and their ownership confirmed from permit and Registration Books. The auditor should also verify that the vehicles are covered by a comprehensive policy of insurance Read More …

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Furniture, Fittings and Fixtures

The cost of these assets should be verified by reference to the invoices of suppliers. All the expenditure incidental to their purchase also should be debited to the appropriate asset account. Further, the auditor should carefully scrutinise the details of Read More …

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Patterns, Dies, Loose Tools, etc.

Several entities have large investments in such assets which have a relatively short useful life and low unit cost. Evidently, it is a difficult matter, under the circumstances, to prepare a separate account for each such assets although a careful Read More …

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Plant and Machinery

In the absence of a Plant Register containing detailed particulars of various articles of machinery and equipment, showing separately original cost, addition to and sales from it from time to time. It is not normally practicable for the auditor to Read More …

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