Debts Requiring Special Consideration

(1) Debts due in foreign currency : In the case of debts in a foreign currency, the auditor should find out by converting the amount into home currency whether it is more or less than the amount shown as recoverable. Read More …

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The auditor should satisfy himself that debtors, loans and advances have been disclosed properly in the financial statements. Where the relevant statute lays down any disclosure requirements in this behalf, the auditor should examine whether the same have been complied Read More …

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Analytical Review Procedures

In addition to the audit procedures discussed above, the following analytical review procedures may often be helpful as a means of obtaining audit evidence regarding the various assertions relating to debtors, loans and advances: comparison of closing balances of debtors, Read More …

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Direct Confirmation Procedure

 The verification of balances by direct communication with debtors is theoretically the best method of ascertaining whether the balances are genuine, accurately stated and undisputed, particularly where the internal control system is weak. The utility of this procedure depends to Read More …

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Examination of Records

The auditor should carry out an examination of the relevant records himself about the validity, accuracy and recoverability of the debtor balances. The extent of such examination would depend on the auditor’s evaluation of the efficacy of internal controls.  The Read More …

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The term ‘books debts’ suggests particulary amounts recoverable from customers, but in practice it is applied to a wide range of claims which a business may carry as an asset in its books. Advances or loans cannot, however, be included Read More …

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Contracts in Course of Completion

In the field of building construction, a contract may sometime extend over two or more years. When that happens, it is necessary to value the work-in-progress at the end of each year. In such a case, it would obviously be Read More …

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Goods in Bond

Where some of the goods are in bond, it is usual to have separate stock sheets for them. The particulars of stock entered on them should be examined by reference to bond warrants. If the same are pledged with some Read More …

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Goods on Approval

The auditor should ensure that any goods sent to customers on approval which were unsold at the close of the year have not been treated as sold and are shown in the account as Stock on Approval and are valued Read More …

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Goods on Consignment

Where a separate account in respect of each consignment is not being maintained and only memoranda accounts in respect of goods sent on consignment are kept, the auditor should make sure that stocks sent out on consignment but unsold have Read More …

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