Law of Insurance Question and Answer

Kasneb Question (a) Distinguish between the following set of terms: i) “Reinsurance and Double insurance”. ii) “Insurance and Assurance”. (b) Explain four categories of insurance covers.   Answer Difference between reinsurance and double insurance Whereas reinsurance refers to the spread Read More …

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Law of Insurance Question and Answer

Question Distinction between a “contract of insurance” and a “wagering contract”.   Answer Distinction between a contract of insurance and a wagering contract A wagering contract is not legally enforceable (void) but an insurance contract is. A contract of insurance Read More …

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Insurance Question and Answer

Kasneb Question (i) Define the term “burglary insurance”. (ii) Jane Kioi wants to engage in the business of exporting of petrol. She has purchased a ship in order to advance her business. Advise Jane Kioi on the type of insurance Read More …

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Marine insurance Question and Answer

Question In relation to marine insurance: i) Define the term “marine insurance”. ii) Outline any four types of marine insurance policies.   Answer i)”Marine insurance”. Marine insurance is insurance that covers the loss or damage of ships, cargo, terminals, and Read More …

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Insurance Contract Question and Answer

Beatie Osolika took a fidelity medical policy with Hope Insurance Company Ltd. While completing the proposal form, Beatie Osolika answered in the affirmative a question by the insurance company asking “are you pregnant?” Four months later, Beatie Osolika was admitted Read More …

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