Morality is the sense of judgement between right and wrong by reference to certain standards developed by society over time. It consists of standards of behaviour widely used by a society (prescriptions of society) and is binding on the conscience Read More …

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1. Positivism 2. Historical School 3. Natural School 4. Sociological School 5. Marxist School According to Hart, Law is a coercive instrument for regulating social behaviour. This is the Command Theory, which assumes that existence of a sovereign, who has Read More …

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The term law has no assigned meaning. It is used in a variety of senses. Although different writers have attempted to explain the term Law, no generally accepted explanation has emerged. The study of the nature of law is known Read More …

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LAW OF PROPERTY Question and Answer

Question  a) In relation to the law of property, describe five characteristics of a copyright. b) Discuss five legal remedies of a mortgagee against a defaulting mortgagor   Answer (a) Characteristics of copyright Copyright is property right which gives a Read More …

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LAW OF PROPERTY Question and Answer

Question With reference to property law: (i) Explain the term “Servitudes”. (ii) Discuss the essential characteristics of an easement.   Answer  (i) Servitudes These are rights in alieno solo i.e. rights conferring a power over another person’s estate for the Read More …

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