Advantages of judicial precedents

Advantages: Certainty and Predictability: In Dodhia V. National and Grindlays Bank the Court of Appeal was emphatic that “a system of law requires a considerable degree of certainty.” Case law makes a legal system certain and predictable. Consistency and uniformity: Read More …

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Categories of judicial precedent.

Categories of Judicial precedent Declaratory precedent: A judge applies to the facts of one particular case a legal rule previously enunciated in an earlier trial. The decision declares existing law. Original precedent: In a case unlike any similar case the Read More …

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Supremacy of the constitution.

Supremacy of the constitution Supremacy of the Constitution is a constitutional concept which confirms that the constitution is the most authoritative legal instrument in the land. The Constitution is the supreme source of law of the land. All other sources Read More …

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One of the most significant shortcomings of the common law that led to the development of equity was inadequate remedies. As a result, many would be plaintiffs were left out; however, equity increased the remedies. With reference to the above statement discuss five equitable remedies.

The following are equitable remedies: Specific performance A party who has acted in breach of a contract may be ordered by the court to specifically perform that which he contracted to do. Rescission This is an equitable remedy available to Read More …

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