Groups and consortia

Introduction So far we have studied the corporation tax rules for single companies. In this chapter we consider the extent to which tax law recognises group relationships between companies. Companies in a group are still separate entities with their own Read More …

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Chargeable gains for companies

Introduction We studied chargeable gains for individuals earlier in this Text. In this chapter, we will consider the treatment of chargeable gains for companies. Companies pay corporation tax on their chargeable gains, rather than capital gains tax. The computation of Read More …

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Computing taxable total profits

Introduction At this point in our studies we turn to corporation tax, covering the basic corporation tax rules in this chapter. We start by looking at accounting periods, which are the periods for which companies pay corporation tax. We then Read More …

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Stamp taxes

Introduction In this chapter we look at stamp taxes. Stamp duty is a charge on transfers of shares and securities by stock transfer form of 0.5% of the consideration for the sale. The same rate of duty applies for stamp Read More …

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